Wednesday, August 16, 2006

The Meaning of Yoga

When we think of Yoga in the West, we nearly always think of it in physical terms - the asanas, the workout, the focus on the body. The first four limbs (angas) in Ashtanga Yoga, the Yamas, Niyamas, Asana, and Pranayama, all concern the external practice of Yoga. For most Western practitioners, this is the gateway to deeper practices which are what makes Yoga a spiritual quest also.

Reading about the journeys of others often can help us make the transition to a more meaningful Yoga practice, inspiring us to make changes in our behavior and lifestyle. Many of the teachers who lead workshops and retreats on a national or international level share their experiences with us so that we can grow and deepen. Even if we never "advance" physically to those pretzel-looking poses we see in calendars, we can still find the flower of spiritual meaning awaken within us as we learn to see our own journeys in those of others.

Cut and paste the link below to read one such journey, written by well known Power Yoga teacher Bryan Kest. It is also listed on the sidebar as a hot link...

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step....


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