Sunday, June 11, 2006

Niyama: Rules of Conduct

As the Yamas govern the things we should NOT do (harm ourselves or others, speak falsely, steal, be sexually profligate, or hoard or covet things we don't need), the Niyamas give us tools for positive change.

Shaucha is cleanliness of body, mind, and spirit. Santosha is contentment. Tapas is fire, or fervor. Svadhyaya is study or education of the higher Self. Ishvarapranidhana means surrender to the Divine.

By following the Yamas in turn, the Niyamas will follow automatically; by following Ahimsa (non-harming) as the highest calling everything else begins to fall into place naturally even if one is not perfect. This is why it's called "Yoga practice" and not Yoga perfect"!


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