Monday, October 31, 2005

Mindfulness Must be Engaged

In Thich Nhat Hanh's book, Peace is Every Step, he wrote about his experiences in Vietnam during the war when the US bombed so many villages. As a monastic brother, he and his fellow brothers and sisters needed to decide whether to continue their traditional meditation practice in the monasteries or go out among the people and help those who were suffering from the effects of the bombing. After careful reflection, they decided to do both and called it engaged Buddhism -

"Mindfulness must be engaged. Once there is seeing, there must be acting. Otherwise, what is the use of seeing?

We must be aware of the real problems of the world. Then, with mindfulness, we will know what to do and what not to do to be of help. If we maintain awareness of our breathing and continue to practice smiling, even in difficult situations, many people animals, and plants will benefit from our way of doing things. Are you massaging our Mother Earth every time your foot touches her? Are you planting seeds of Joy and peace? I try to do exactly that with every step, and I know that our Mother Earth is most appreciative. Peace is every step. Shall we continue our journey?"

Also from the writings of Thich Nhat Hanh is this love meditation, adapted from the Vishuddhimagga:

"May I be peaceful, happy, and light in body and spirit.
May he/she be peaceful, happy, and light in body and spirit.
May they be peaceful, happy, and light in body and spirit.

May I be safe and free from injury.
May he/she be safe and free from injury.
May they be safe and free from injury.

May I be free from anger, afflictions, fear, and anxiety.
May he/she be free from anger, afflictions, fear, and anxiety.
May they be free from anger, afflictions, fear, and anxiety."

"We begin practicing this love meditation on ourselves. Until we are able to love and take care of ourselves, we cannot be of much help to others. After that we can practice on others - first on someone we like, then on someone neutral to us, then on someone the mere thought of whom makes us suffer."

This powerful meditation practice will do much to reduce tension within each individual, which will then reduce conflicts within families, which can then calm neighborhoods and even nations.

But the the journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. Breathe in, be calm, breathe out, and smile.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Empty Yourself of Worries

Adapted from "The Parent's Tao te Ching, A New Interpretation; Ancient Advice for Modern Parents" by William Martin
published by Marlowe & Company New York ISBN 1-56924-662-9

(because I was abruptly left by my beloved partner of 7 years with very little explanation).

"To survive....
you must empty yourself
of your constant thinking,
planning, and worrying.

were born in the Tao,
live in the Tao,
and will return to that same Tao.
If you don't realize this,
you will mistake the sorrow you see in life
for the final word,
and you will become hardened with fear.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Brihadaranyaka Upanishad

Om Asato Ma Sadgamaya
Tamaso Ma Jyotir Gamaya
Mritor Ma Amrtam Gamaya
Om Shanti Shanti Shantihi

Lead me from untruth to the Truth
Lead me from darkness to the Light
Lead me from death to Immortality
Om peace peace peace.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Warriors of Love

In Indonesia, a great battle is taking place for the hearts and minds of young Muslims between those who espouse a fundamentalist idealogy and those who wish to promote love, peace, and tolerance. At the forefront of the tolerance movement is an influential musician and Sufi Muslim named Ahmad Dhani, leader of a rock band called Dewa. He composed the album "Laskar Cinta" (Warriors of Love), which rose to the top of the charts in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore, in response to the terrorist bombings in Bali and the atrocities committed by a group called "Laskar Jihad" (Warriors of Jihad, or Struggle).

The radicals have accused this devout Sufi of being an infidel or an apostate, and a Zionist agent; often this incites others to commit violent acts against the accused. Dhani is responding by creating another song - using a verse of the Koran to say "Truth dwells in the hearts of those who love and are free of hatred; the hearts of those who hate... are possessed by Satan."

It is a remarkable thing, to see such a battle take place between those who fight with suicide bombs and terror and those who fight back with music and words of love. The ordinary people have chosen to become Warriors of Love. It would be wise for their leaders to follow the people.

"There is only one moment in time when it is essential to awaken.
That moment is now."

The Buddha, (c. 563 - c. 483 BCE), India
from The Bridge of Stars, 365 Prayers, Blessings, and Meditations from Around the World
Duncan Baird Publishers
ISBN I-903296-27-7